Masterclass by Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden

Masterclass by Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden

Masterclass by Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden

Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden will give a Masterclass on Saturday November 20th at 2:00 PM to Yang Yang Cai (1st prize winner) and Rik Kuppen (3rd prize winner YPF Piano Competition 2019) in Muziekhaven, Zaandam.
Together with Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, Yang Yang Cai takes a closer look at Ravel’s ‘Le Tombeau de Couperin’. Rik Kuppen will do just that with Prokofiev’s ‘Vision Fugitives’. For piano lovers a wonderful chance to see a grand master at work with top talents.

Free entrance. Upon entrance you will be asked for a QR code.

More information about this masterclass and about the YPF Young Virtuosi series can be found here. Interesting to mention:  Yang Yang Cai plays Ravel’s ‘Le Tombeau de Couperin’ on Sunday November 28th. at 4 PM in De Duif in Amsterdam during the 5th concert of the YPF Young Virtuosi series. You can order tickets for this concert here.