02Feb By Adrian de GroenFri 4 February 2022Message Musical journey of Director YPF Inge van Verschuer, director of the Young Pianist Foundation, has been asked to present her choice of music during the Dutch radio program ‘Een goedemorgen met…’ on February 5th. Inge: “It is a huge honor and at the same time also an enormous challenge to do this. But I think it will be a beautiful journey through the music that has played such an important role in different phases of my life.” Saturday February 5th from 10:00 to 12:00 hrs Inge van Verschuer can be heard in ‘Een goedemorgen met…’ on NPO Radio 4, where she includes, amongst others, an etude of Chopin played by Youri Egorov, a piano trio by Arensky and the Toccata of Ravel played by Thomas Beijer.