Youri Egorov Circle

Youri Egorov Circle

Who Are We?

We are a circle of piano music enthusiasts who strive to contribute to the mission of the Young Pianist Foundation (YPF). YPF supports young European pianists and talented pianists studying in the Netherlands, helping them increase their opportunities. YPF is led by Artistic Director Thomas Beijer and Managing Director Inge van Verschuer. The foundation is especially known for the piano competition it organizes every three years. Even after the competition, YPF remains closely involved in the development of its participants.

Our name is inspired by Youri Egorov, one of the greatest pianists of the twentieth century. It was his heartfelt wish to support other top talents and offer them the same opportunities he received. Egorov reminds us that talent cannot flourish without the support of family and friends, including financial support.

How Do We Contribute?

We believe in YPF’s approach, which emphasizes quality and professionalism. Following the motto Select, Invest, and Launch, YPF identifies and supports Europe’s vast pool of young piano talent, enabling these pianists to elevate their skills and ambitions to the highest level.

YPF is partially funded by businesses and foundations, and partially by private individuals. With an annual contribution of €1,000* per member of our circle, for a period of at least five years, the Youri Egorov Circle ensures continuity in the funding and support of young talent.

Involvement in YPF Activities

Members of our circle have the opportunity to attend masterclasses for young talent, enjoy private house concerts featuring performances by young pianists, and participate in unique, small-scale events related to the YPF European Piano Competition – Grand Prix Youri Egorov 2025.

Membership in the Youri Egorov Circle offers the following privileges, in addition to digital newsletters and a YPF CD of your choice (while supplies last):

  • Annual attendance at a private concert for two people, performed by a YPF pianist in an intimate setting such as a home or a special location.
  • Attendance for four people at a Masterclass of your choice.
  • One ticket to our annual Dinner for Excellence, a festive evening featuring recitals by YPF pianists (with the option to purchase additional tickets).
  • Two tickets to the Youri Egorov Tribute Concert.
  • Two tickets to the finals of the YPF European Piano Competition.
  • Access to a meet-and-greet reception during the competition.
  • A copy of the YPF Jubilee Book A Journey to Excellence as a welcome gift.
  • Optional recognition in YPF publications.

Join Us

Do you see yourself in the profile described above and would you like to contribute? We warmly invite you to join the Youri Egorov Circle. You can register for the Youri Egorov Circle here.

For further information, please contact Eva Zwaving (YPF Office Manager) or Zita Jankovich at

On behalf of the Youri Egorov Circle,
Frank Leijdesdorff and Zita Jankovich

Note: YPF has a cultural ANBI status; periodic donations for five consecutive years are therefore tax-deductible. If you wish to benefit from the tax advantages of donations for a five-year period, you can print, complete, and sign the donation agreement and return it to, or by post to:
Stichting The Young Pianist Foundation, Postbus 2170, 1000 CD Amsterdam.